Media: Kyiv won’t receive F-35 fighters due to the threat of technology declassification


Ukraine should not expect supplies of F-35 fighters from the US due to their high cost and the inevitability that these machines will be shot down and studied by the Russian military, Report informs referring to the National Interest.

“The US may be hesitant to send one of their preeminent weapons systems into combat, at the hands of relatively green, foreign pilots, against one of America’s primary rivals. A downed F-35 would be inevitable. And a downed F-35 could provide Russia with the chance to reverse engineer the fifth-generation jet.

Granted, Russia already has a fifth-generation fighter design (the Su-57, of which only ten or so exist), but any insights into the F-35 would be a win for Russia.

So, providing Ukraine with game-changing weapons systems may not ultimately be in the US’s best interest. Now, that’s a somewhat abstract, hypothetical, and cynical take – and may not reflect the strategy of the US war planners,” reads the article.
