Blinken: Israel must cooperate with UN on Gaza


Israel must cooperate with the UN, as it is the only organization that can effectively help the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in an interview with NBC, Report informs.

“It is imperative that Israel work with the United Nations. It’s imperative that this assistance get in, that more of it get in; and that once it’s in, it gets effectively to the people who need it. The United Nations is the only game in town. They’re the ones who are on the ground acting incredibly courageously given that they’re in the middle of a conflict, the middle of war, trying to get assistance to people who need it. And they’ve done extraordinary things and it requires cooperation, because there’s no alternative. There’s no choice. No one else is going to do it. And if the UN wasn’t doing it, well, it would be Israel’s responsibility to do it,” he noted.
