Kazakhstan removes Taliban from list of prohibited organizations


Kazakh authorities took a decision to remove the Taliban from the list of prohibited organizations, Spokesperson of the Kazakh Ministry of Foreign Affairs Aibek Smadyarov said in an interview with Kazinform News Agency.


Smadyarov said that Kazakhstan revises the national list of prohibited terrorist organizations on a regular basis in order to keep it up to date. As part of this process, it was decided to exclude the Taliban from this list as per the UN practice.


Thus, in compliance with the UN Security Council’s resolutions, which are mandatory for implementation, the Taliban is not included in the list of organizations recognized as terrorist ones.


As for the political contacts, I would like to emphasize that Kazakhstan will further adhere strictly to the decisions and resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council and General Assembly.


The Taliban attempts to establish diplomatic relations with various countries including Kazakhstan and rehabilitate itself in the eyes of the global community. They are actively building trade relations with the nearest neighbors.


